
Face book is brainwash

Designed to confirm what we already believe.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee On Face the Nation:

"...the paid advertising was designed not only to help Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but more fundamentally, to divide Americans, to pit one American against another on some very decisive  issues. It's the kind of cynical campaign you would expect of having a KGB operative running a country.

There's a lot we don't know yet about it. I think we know only the minimum of the advertising. And, of course, advertising was only one method the Russians used on social media, and this was only one platform. But there's also an issue about the use of Facebook's algorithms and the way it tends to potentially reinforce people's informational bias. And this is a problem that goes well beyond Russia, but in one example, if you were looking or interested in an article about Hillary Clinton's health, what the Facebook algorithms result in you're seeing a lot more stories about Hillary Clinton's health and reinforce a misperception or inaccurate information? That is a far broader issue than Russia, but one that we really need to know a lot more about.

JOHN DICKERSON: And that's a Facebook problem, not a Russia problem. I mean, that's a problem with their algorithm that keeps us all siloed in certain narrow areas.

ADAM SCHIFF: Yes. There's certainly a Russian implication because they use these algorithms to amplify misinformation or slated information. But it's far broader, and we have to ask, "Is this in our society's interest to create these informational silos?"

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